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Prospect of medical equipment industry

2022-02-28 14:05:09
Medical equipment is an important material basis for medical and health undertakings, which is directly related to the life safety and health of the people. Recently, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the National Health Commission and other 10 departments issued the "14th five year plan" for the development of medical equipment industry (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"), which is the first national industrial development plan in the field of medical equipment.

"China has become an important global medical equipment manufacturing base." Wangweiming, director of the first equipment industry department of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said that during the "13th five year plan" period, China's medical equipment industry developed rapidly. The market scale increased from 480billion yuan in 2015 to 840billion yuan in 2020, with an average annual compound growth rate of 11.8%; In 2020, there will be more than 2300 Enterprises above Designated Size in China's medical equipment industry, achieving a main business income of more than 4100 billion yuan; In the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim region, a number of leading enterprises with strong competitiveness and industrial clusters with distinctive characteristics have been formed. At present, China's medical equipment industry has formed a product system of 22 categories and more than 1100 categories, covering all aspects of health, which can basically meet the needs of medical institutions in China, such as diagnosis and treatment, elderly care, chronic disease prevention and emergency rescue.

The plan proposes that by 2025, the level of advanced medical equipment industry foundation and industrial chain modernization will be significantly improved, the mainstream medical equipment will be basically effectively supplied, the performance and quality of high-end medical equipment products will be significantly improved, and a comprehensive support capacity for public health and medical health needs will be initially formed. The plan also sets sub goals from five aspects: optimize and upgrade the whole industrial chain, urgently supplement the basic parts and components, basic software, basic materials, basic processes and industrial technology foundation of medical equipment, and preliminarily build a safe and reliable industrial chain supply chain with strong innovation, high added value; The technical level has been continuously improved, and a number of high-end products such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) and endoscopic surgery robot have been applied; The vitality of enterprises has been significantly enhanced, and large, medium, small and micro enterprises have developed in an integrated manner; The industrial ecology has been gradually improved, and new business forms such as telemedicine, mobile medicine and intelligent medicine have been comprehensively innovated and developed; The brand influence has been significantly improved, and 6 to 8 enterprises have ranked among the top 50 in the global medical device industry.

According to the plan, diagnosis and testing equipment, treatment equipment, monitoring and life support equipment, TCM diagnosis and treatment equipment, maternal and child health equipment, health care and rehabilitation equipment, and active implant intervention equipment will be regarded as seven key development areas. The plan also proposes to promote the development of new models such as "5g+ medical health", home-based community and the integration of medical care and health care.