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Symposium on innovation and development of medical devices held in Beijing

2021-07-28 14:10:58
On July 23, the Symposium on innovation and development of medical devices was held in Beijing, and the last key activity of the "national medical device safety publicity week" in 2021 was successfully concluded. Xujinghe, deputy director of the State Drug Administration, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the medical device technical evaluation center of the State Food and Drug Administration introduced the special review of innovative medical devices and relevant policies to encourage innovation of medical devices; The relevant principals of the Yangtze River Delta sub center for technical review and inspection of medical devices and the Dawan sub center for technical review and inspection of medical devices respectively introduced the work carried out by the innovation and development of medical devices in the service area and the construction progress of the sub center; The relevant principals of the artificial intelligence medical device innovation cooperation platform and the biomaterial innovation cooperation platform respectively focused on the innovation initiatives, work achievements and research progress; Relevant principals of Beijing Zhongguancun Life Science Park and Suzhou high tech Zone Management Committee respectively introduced relevant policies supporting medical device innovation in their respective regions; Representatives of 8 medical device manufacturers shared the convenience brought to the enterprises by the policies to encourage medical device innovation, the current problems of the enterprises, and the suggestions for promoting the high-quality development of the industry.

Xujinghe pointed out that innovation is the driving force of historical progress, the key to the development of the times, and the focus of the reform of China's medical device review and approval system. In recent years, the national drug regulatory authorities have implemented the innovation driven development strategy, continuously promoted the innovation of the regulatory system, deepened the reform of the review and approval system, and strengthened the construction of the rule of law and capacity. Four sub centers for technical evaluation and inspection of drugs and medical devices, 12 scientific research bases for drug supervision, 117 key laboratories, and two innovation and cooperation platforms for medical devices have been established to accelerate the construction of an innovation driven development pattern and continuously release policy dividends. Since the launch of the special approval procedure for innovative medical devices, the number of innovative medical devices approved for listing in China has reached 113, better meeting the needs of the public.

Xujinghe stressed that the joint efforts of the industry and regulatory departments are needed to realize the transformation of China from a big country in machinery manufacturing to a powerful country in machinery manufacturing and better protect the public demand for machinery. Enterprises should actively assume the main responsibility, enhance their awareness of crisis and urgency, drive innovation with science and technology, strive to build enterprises into powerful innovation subjects, and make positive contributions to promoting high-quality industrial development.

The meeting was organized by the equipment audit center of the State Food and drug administration. Relevant heads of relevant departments and bureaus of the State Food and drug administration, international exchange and cooperation center of the National Health Commission, China Academy of information and communication, relevant heads of medical device innovation service stations in Jilin, Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan and other provinces (cities), relevant heads of Beijing food and Drug Administration, representatives of 29 medical device manufacturers, China National Institute of drug administration, China Society of Biomedical Engineering Relevant principals of China Society of biomaterials, leaders of the organ examination center and departments, and some news media attended the meeting.