Home > Article > The second batch of key projects of the scientific action plan for drug supervision were released! 7 items related to medical devices

The second batch of key projects of the scientific action plan for drug supervision were released! 7 items related to medical devices

2021-06-30 14:18:03
On June 28, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the notice on the implementation of the second batch of key projects of China's scientific action plan for drug supervision. On the basis of a comprehensive summary of the implementation of the first batch of key projects, the State Food and Drug Administration determined and issued the second batch of 10 key projects. In principle, the implementation cycle is 2 years.

Among them, 7 projects involve medical devices:

First, real world data support research on evaluation methods of traditional Chinese medicine, rare disease treatment drugs, innovation and clinical urgently needed medical devices;

The second is the research on the diagnosis and treatment product evaluation of emerging infectious diseases;

Third, research on the safety and effectiveness and quality control evaluation of nano innovative drugs and medical devices;

Fourthly, the evaluation of innovative medical devices based on remote transmission, flexible electronic technology and medical robots;

Fifthly, research on safety and effectiveness evaluation of new biomaterials;

Sixthly, research on new tools, standards and methods for the evaluation of common and frequently occurring diseases such as malignant tumors;

Seventh, research on warning technologies and methods of drugs and medical devices.